Wednesday, January 8, 2020

2020 Vision

How many blog posts / click bait article headlines / Facebook status updates say that this year? Probably almost all of them. Hey, I never said I'm highly original.

Here I am, with the usual January optimism that I can keep this thing going. I'm making no real promises. But this year, I do have a few things backing up my resolution to read 24 books. First, I have a great group of friends who are keeping me accountable. Secondly, I have a life coach that is also keeping me accountable and keeping me on track for my goals. I have four main goals this year:

1. Read 24 books - two books a month may not sound like a lot, but it's a heckuva lot more than I've been reading.

2. Travel with my daughter - three trips this year. Two within California (we each pick a destination) and one to another state. Abbey has chosen Palm Springs as her CA trip, and I've chosen Sequoia National Park. As for another state, the possibilities are: Minnesota, Alaska, and New Jersey.

3. Get healthier, participate in at least one triathlon with friends.

4. Write a book.

My plan is to write about each of the 24 books I read this year. One post per book. Nothing too ambitious. But if I just get started writing again, I am hoping I'll pick up momentum.

Happy New Year!

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