Monday, February 9, 2009


I am mortified to discover that I made a few mistakes in my Grammy's blog. Here are a couple things that have been pointed out to me:

1. Kanye did not perform with Chris Martin/Coldplay. It was Jay-Z. I don't know how I made such an embarrassing mistake. Especially because I like Jay-Z and I don't really like Kanye. Clarification: I like the music of each, but as a person, I like Jay-Z and I don't like Kanye.

2. I didn't mention anything about Justin Timberlake. Apparently that is a sin. In my defense, everyone else is talking about him. JT + Al Green = tolerable substitute for Chris Brown's dance moves.

3. Someone read my blog!


  1. hahaha! your blog is now saved into my bookmarks alongside, perez, tmz and casebriefs to go.

  2. first seem annoyed at Rihanna for not showing up. but it's not her fault! Chris Brown is a douche! the internet has been abuzzin' with that news for days...also, i agree, Katy Perry's performance wasn't great, but i liked the set. I used to like Coldplay, but over the years I've become more and more sick of them. Kanye looked weird when he was performing with Estelle...what was with his weird hair?
    and..M.I.A is awesome! bless her pregnant soul haha...she is insane! but i do like her. I wasn't impressed with the grammy's either. I only watched like...the last two hours or so...but it was so long and stupid. They should keep it down to 2.5 hours, like you said. and i read your blog! don't worry!
