The 2012 Memorable Memoirs Reading Challenge
This challenge is hosted by Melissa at The Betty and Boo Chronicles. You can click the title link above if you want details on the rules or further explanation, but here's the breakdown: a memoir is "a record of events written by a person having intimate knowledge of them and based on personal observation."
I love to read memoirs, so this one should be easy. I'll be participating at the Memoirist level: 10+ memoirs.
Of course I'll update here when I add to my list, and I'll link to a post for each of the memoirs I read. Here's a challenge that won't be much of a challenge!
1. Chelsea, Chelsea, Bang Bang - by Chelsea Handler
2. Lies Chelsea Handler Told me - by Chelsea's Friends, Family and other Victims (I'm not sure this totally counts as a memoir, because each chapter is by a different person, but maybe it's like a lot of mini-memoirs!)
3. You'll Never Blue Ball in This Town Again - by Heather McDonald
All of the above, are in one single post.
4. Wishful Drinking - by Carrie Fisher
5. High on Arrival - by Mackenzie Phillips
The two memoirs above are reviewed together here.
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